Telehealth services are an effective alternative to face-to-face consultations, particularly if patients are in distant or remote locations. Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) telehealth arrangements are available for a range of telephone and video services by qualified health practitioners.

Please note

  • A service may only be provided by telehealth where it is safe and clinically appropriate to do so.
  • GP providers must have an existing and continuous relationship with a patient in order to provide telehealth services. A relationship is defined as the patient having seen the same practitioner for a face-to-face service in the past 12 months, or having seen a doctor at the same practice for a face-to-face service during the same period. People under the age of 12 months or people who are experiencing homelessness will be exempt, as are patients currently resident in areas under stage 3 restrictions. They will be able to have access to any provider.

Who can access the MBS telehealth items

MBS telehealth items are available for the following providers:

  • General practitioners
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners
  • Allied health providers
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Psychologists
  • Obstetricians
  • Midwives
  • Specialists and consultant physicians
  • Psychiatrists
  • Practice nurses

The items list is being regularly updated. Please refer to the MBS website for the latest details.

Ssee also: HealthPathways Telehealth

Under the MBS items, video consultations are the preferred method for telehealth. However, audio-only consultations are also permitted. There are separate item numbers for each.

For further information refer to RACGP’s Guide to providing telephone and video consultations in general practice.

How to access a telehealth service

There is no specific hardware or application requirement to provide Medicare-compliant telehealth services.

Western Victoria PHN can facilitate the use of Healthdirect Video Call.  This service is available to health care providers who are providing services under MBS. Contact Western Victoria PHN for account creation and setup support.

Private health  care providers can contact Healthdirect by emailing

Telehealth for psychological therapy services

Eligible patients with a mental health treatment plan in rural and remote areas may be able to access mental health support via video conference.

This is available through the Federal Government’s Better Access initiative

Templates and instructions

More information

Contact Western Victoria PHN’s Digital Health team

Last modified: 11 April, 2023